Have a Need?
Do you have a need you think we can meet? We would like to know how we can help because we delight in being used of God to meet the diverse needs of people in the United States and around the world. Below are some of the most frequent requests we receive. If you have any of the below needs or your need is not on this list, please navigate to the “contact us” button on this site and provide us with a detailed explanation of your need. Once your request has been reviewed, one of our officers will get in touch with you.
I have a sick family member I would like you to pray with.
I have a friend and/or relative in jail I would like you to pray for.
I would like you to pray with me personally
→Please submit your request by clicking on the “prayer wall” button
I belong to an organization that would like to collaborate with your ministry
We have a need for your community outreach programs in our community
We would like you to minister at our church program/event
→Please navigate to the “Events” tab and complete the “engagement request form”
We would like you to be a motivational speaker at our event.
→Please navigate to the “Events” tab and complete the “engagement request form”
We would like you to speak on a medical/public health related subject at our event.
→Please navigate to the “Events” tab and complete the “engagement request form”
Thank you for your interest in Jehiah Ministries.